Monday, September 20, 2010

Quest for Passion

How does one recognize and or identify their passion? How do they know when they have found it?

One of my favorite tee-shirts has the word “passionate” written across the chest in airbrush. I love this shirt. It spoke to me the first time I saw it. While wearing it one day, a friend asked “Passionate? What are you passionate about?” The question stunned me. For I truly didn’t have a prepared answered. The only thing that came to mind was “well yes, I am passionate. About life!” Although it sounds clique even to write, there was truth in this for me. I take pride on trying to live passionately, but exactly how do I obtain this, even when every moment is not experienced as being one of ecstasy nor desire or even liking for that manner?

To find the answer, I have to return to childhood. For the things and activities which ignite passion now are the same activities which I would lose myself in as a young girl. I believe this will differ for every one, but yet as children there is usually some thing that can be identified as an act which would entertain one for hours although it seemed only like minutes had passed by. For me, it was dancing, singing or drawing. I remember turning the music up on the radio and dancing for hours. Just me and the mirror. I would dance until I was sweating and then would dance some more. Other moments, I would draw at the kitchen table and simply lose all sense of time as I was absorbed in my creation. If people in the house paid close attention, I could also be spied making up songs as I sang to the plants on the coffee table. You’d have thought I was in a music video singing to an audience for I gave those plants a heart-felt performance. In each of these moments, I tapped into a magical flow within me. I was fully absorbed in the moment and therefore captivated by the experience of what I was engaged in. Sometimes it felt as if I merged with the activity or the movement. As I became the dance instead of being the dancer. I became the art instead of just the artist. I became the song instead of the singer. And this is how I can now identify my passions, by the feeling experienced when amidst the act.

Even to this day, when I am creating a new work, I venture away such that my awareness and attention is upon nothing else. Everything else that might be present becomes background noise. Even my thoughts stop as I am fully engulfed and enveloped within the energy of that moment.

So for the seeker, I would suggest exploration. Think of the things that have captured your interest. Those things that you have paid witness to from afar and thought, wow that would be cool and then try it. See how it feels internally. Are you excited? Do you look forward to trying it again? Try it again and notice what captivates you? Be daring, try the things that have intrigued you but that you may have judged. Remember that which you enjoyed as a child and reconnect with it. Play. Pretend that you are an explorer seeking new territory. Whatever you do, keep seeking and experimenting for once you find what you are passionate about, you have fuel that will assist you in keeping your own inner fire ablaze.

And remember, life is not stagnant. So over time, your passions may too expand and evolve. For example, the runner can grow from athlete to coach. Or the athlete can grow from runner to yoga enthusiast to pole dancer. The world is truly your playground. Embrace the opportunities surrounding you and soon you will reveal those things and/or activities which allow you to outwardly express your soul’s essence and thus experience passion.

Then remember, once you identify the pathway to visit often. Make time to engage in these activities. Schedule them into your day on a consistent basis. I trust you will be amazed at even giving one day per month will do for your vigor when amongst what appears to be the mundane activities of life. For me, this is how I achieve a passionate life. By factoring in time for these experiences such that I have something to look forward to and something to propel me forward. But don’t stop there, explore more. For with such a plethora of opportunities waiting to be had, you just may find room to add yet another passion to your already passionate life. Now go!