Sunday, August 9, 2009

Goddess Post: I Invite You Inside...

I recall that while a former lover was visiting, he walked around my room and observed that I had several shelves full of what he called "self-help" books. He expressed bewilderment as he couldn't understand why I would have such an interest. Only to meet him again, seven years later, to witness him standing in front of a club, hosting an event packed full of people, encouraging them via microphone, to read books for "self-study". Ha! My heart smiled to say the least.

Given that my former lover is merely one of several people who have asked me in various times of my life to share of what I "know", I AM now choosing to explore the answer to this very question within this blog. So I welcome you inside the mind of Me, a Goddess Travelling in Hueman Form. Just maybe we can figure out this whole hueman experience thing out together or at least become confused together along the way.

Okay, so shall we begin. The question of the moment is: how have I managed and continue to attract the means to become a better person? What resources or practices allow me to focus daily on things that I mostly feel but can't see or even rationalize? In other words, what has helped me to connect with my inner Light, inner Spirit or Goddess Within (as I like to call it)?

Now, let me say this now, just because I use the word Goddess, please do not assume that my sharing will only apply to women. For truth is, we all are combinations of masculine and feminine energies. We are not only one or the other. And one isn't better than the other. Both are needed as they are complimentary. I've always thought that the French culture has been ahead of its time for this very reason. At first, I thought it bizarre that everything, meaning every word, had either a masculine or feminine pronoun. Not to mention, this complicated matters while trying to learn the language as a 9th grader (did I mention I still can't roll my "r"). But now I see the wisdom and even accuracy in such a system for it mirrors the Divine design of life. For all things, especially things living can be categorized in terms of their function: do they give energy (masculine) or receive and hold it (feminine)? Do they create something (masculine) or do they nurture it (feminine)?

Of course, I am simplifying matters here, but often things are truly simpler than the hueman mind likes to convince us. Ha! That's how clever we are. That we often take something simple, complicate it through use of rational thought and explanations, only to then confuse ourselves. We are humorous creatures indeed.

So I welcome you to receive my sharing and pray that these words may find a resting place in your soul and provide your Spirit food in times of need.

"I AM" Masego

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